Auto arrange feature pre-announcement

This is the first of a series of mini-updates we’ll be posting about new features in the pipeline.

Auto arrange
We’ve been emailed by a number of ‘power users’ that have asked to make it easier to arrange news feed panels. We’ll be releasing a feature soon to ‘snap’ panels to a grid, and to arrange them vertically down your Protopage so that you can scroll through many screenfulls of news without using the ‘maximize feature’.

Using the existing maximize button

For those of you who haven’t discovered it yet – you can put dozens of feeds into the same feed panel, and press the maximize button (shown below) in order to scroll through your headlines in full screen mode.

Panel maximize button

News feed indexing issue

Some of you may have noticed yesterday that your news feed panels were displaying a ‘We are currently indexing this feed. Please wait…‘ message. This message should only appear for a few seconds – and only when our server encounters a new feed. Thanks to those that wrote in with detailed accounts – they were very helpful in resolving the issue.

As always – please keep your feature requests coming in – we’re making them happen!

15 Responses to “Auto arrange feature pre-announcement”

  1. Nathaniel Says:

    It would be great if you could mark individual items from the feed as “Read”.

    Although I’m sure you have this and other obvious RSS features mapped out for the future.

  2. kNo Says:

    Will you make an spanish traslation?

  3. kNo Says:

    And what about be able to copy to another page, or make a copy of a panel?

  4. nathani3ld Says:

    Check this out: the protopage web desktop.

  5. dScener Says:

    I’m still having the feed indexing problem when trying to display my Del.Ico.Us feed. Check out my page to see.

  6. dScener Says:

    Fixed. Thanks guys!

  7. Lalex Says:

    I have rss feed – can i display all feed? This feed have many elemens (>10).

  8. Jose Says:

    I have been trying to add a news feed for Formula 1 news from BBC and it does not work. Can anyone tell me how to make it work? I am new to RSS…
    Thanks in advance.

  9. Pete Says:

    Will you plan on supporting RSS authentication on Private pages?

  10. Protopage Team Says:

    If you’re talking about GMail, that’s in the works

  11. Bonifacius Says:

    Great article. I am just sad I dont know how to reply properly, though, since I want to show my appreciation like many other.

  12. Slav Says:

    I’ve had problems adding some RSS2 feeds. One of the eBay feeds didn’t work for some reason, all others did. May be they had some bad tags in the feed?

  13. John Says:

    Hi guys,
    How do you set an authenticated feed into Protopage? I use Basecamp and want to view my autenticated feeds in protopage.
    Thanks! John

  14. Bere Says:

    Weird? Agreed. Why would God want to make this sacrifice for humatiny? Disgusting? All the hurts we inflict on each other, all the injustice, taking God’s Creation granted, it’s all disgusting. Yes, we are sick, and this is healing for us and all creation. The crucifixion was nasty, horrible, but executions usually are. But God doesn’t look on us and see disgusting or nasty or horrible. He sees us through the sacrifice and love of Jesus. Weird? Yea, but the love of God is like that.

  15. rmxqasjrbt Says:

    uwGwTt rhujtrwacbsa