Welcome Google users

Welcome to those of you that are migrating from iGoogle to Protopage this month. For those of you that are not aware, iGoogle is a Google competitor to Protopage that is being shut down by Google in a few week’s time.

We’re very proud to have outlasted our competitors, and have been able to do so because we have not relied on outside investors or venture capitalists to fund our operations.

We built Protopage to meet our own needs and desires for a start page, and we continue to work on the site to add and update features so that Protopage will be here for the long run.

We are a small independent company, and are unique in that we do not rely on the mercy of a large internet company in order to justify our existence.

Thank you to all of our loyal users. As we said when we launched Protopage 8 years ago, we are in this for the long term and we plan to see Protopage around for many decades to come!

54 Responses to “Welcome Google users”

  1. Dannie Says:

    I have been a My Yahoo user for several years and they have always been very good at fixing something that ain\’t broke but their latest update is horrible!! I set up my new homepage at Protopage and there\’s everything I need and want…I wish I would have done this long ago. I love my new homepage, much better than iGoogle or My Yahoo.
    Thank You

  2. WJS Says:

    Wow! So far Protopage looks like a winner on first try. Far better than the new and disappointing My.Yahoo.

    However, I do have to report the first problem. If I disable the search bar in favor of the mini search bar, the tabs line gets removed and the screen area where the full search bar resided is still there, but without the search fields.

    I don\’t want to lose the tabs, just the search bar and would like to see the space where the search bar used to be to become available for more widgets, etc. I hope this is possible.

    Thanks for all the work that obviously went into creating Protopage.

  3. WJS Says:

    Oops, my mistake. The problem I reported yesterday was resolved by reloading the page after disabling the search bar. And, I will use the Feedback mechanism in the future for reporting problems. Sorry for the newbie remarks. Tell your fiends about Protopage!

  4. JimmyHoffa Says:

    Would love to see custom stock portfolios also, and the weather widgets could be better as well. In any case, I\’ve been using protopage for a year now and I\’m happy to have something similar enough to my iGoogle to keep me happy.