Email inbox widget update

We’ve just updated our Email Inbox widget. By popular demand, you now have the option to choose between displaying all emails or unread emails only. (Please note: existing Gmail users need to edit their widget settings change their inbox type from “Gmail legacy” to “Gmail” to enable this new option).

In addition, we’ve added easy options to set this widget up for those with Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Hotmail, Aol and iCloud accounts.

If you are using a different email provider, do a Google search for “IMAP settings” to find out how to configure this widget for your particualar provider. E.g. if you use FastMail, do a Google search for “Fastmail IMAP settings” to find the IMAP settings that you should configure your Email Inbox widget with.

7 Responses to “Email inbox widget update”

  1. Web Guy Says:

    Yay, thanks for adding the Outlook support guys :)

  2. Paul Says:

    The widget has simply not worked since this update.
    I have tried the new and legacy, new gmail passwords for apps (which is what you have to use). Nothing now works. Very disappointing as it was fine for a long time.

  3. Allen Says:

    Gmail continues to report invalid email address / password combination when I know I am using the correct email address and password. Is the update’s access to Gmail still not working?

  4. Allen Says:

    Well. . . after trying to log in to my Gmail account via Protopage and posting the above, I received a text message from Gmail telling me they blocked a suspicious application. Here’s the link they pointed me to detailing why they blocked the application:

    Maybe this is why people aren’t able to log in via Gmail.

  5. Dan Says:

    outlook preview not working either. created a rss feed, and it works, but the preview does not

  6. Craig Says:

    Is this going to be fixed? Ever?

  7. Fawn Says:

    It seems as though these responses to the mail pre views are not going to be answered. It’s been over a year and I don’t see protopage even acknowledging the comments here, let alone trying to help us with the issues. I too have gmail and get the error message: invalid email address / password combination. I am using the right password and email address. It would be really nice if someone from Protopage would try and help us with this. I Like the Home page, but would love it if this issue was fixed or at least explained if it can’t be fixed. A simple response would be great!